

My name is Vince Marquez, I am a board certified therapist in Carlsbad, Ca. I specialize in the treatment of trauma and stress-related difficulties. Whether you regularly witness traumatic situations, have been exposed to a single traumatic event, or are struggling with the long-term effects of an earlier trauma, I can help equip you with the practical tools to enhance your overall recovery and quality of life. With over 15 years of experience working with adults and families, I have had the honor to support the recovery of many who had lost hope.  My experience includes work with first responders, combat veterans, and survivors of interpersonal violence and sexual assault.

The therapeutic process can help you align your emotions and behaviors with the balance you seek in life. Therapy can help improve your sleep, stress level, concentration, family connection, self-confidence, and overall feelings of safety. It’s human nature to try to “work through” our own pain and “push through it,” but when that falls short, engaging in an evidence-supported therapy may provide the results you’re looking for.

Therapy is an opportunity to resolve and recover from life’s most difficult experiences while looking deeply into yourself with curiosity and compassion. I take the time to understand your current situation, what’s important to you, and how that relates to your future goals in developing a plan that is tailored to your needs. My therapeutic approach blends evidence-based practice with self-development, holistic health, with an emphasis on personal empowerment.